Habitat Surveys and Reports, there are several types of habitat surveys including;
- PEA Reports (PEARs)- Preliminary Environmental Appraisal Reports
- Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
- Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
- Protected Species Scoping Surveys
Phase 1 Habitat surveys
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
The initial stages are desktop studies, site ecology survey visits by Landvision’s ecology team, where each habitat type is mapped. There are some ninety habitat types and the botanical description of the site is drawn up using botanical survey, where this is required, to give an accurate habitat description of the site. Special habitats are mapped.
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
These Preliminary Ecological Appraisals including scoping surveys which are normally required, where protected species are deemed likely to be present. the PEARs form part of the planning process, to inform planners about the site to be developed. The baseline information obtained in these surveys by Landvision’s team of experienced ecologists will be used to draw up likely presence or absence of protected species. The Local Authority planner may need further information on the likely presence of protected species. these species may be deemed to be likely to be presnt, if, for instance, the site is adjacent to an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific interest). Similarly, if it is near to any other designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest, (SNCI). Alternatively, if the site is may be adjacent to and comprises green habitat next to a site with recorded presence of protected species. Then protected species scoping surveys will be required.
Protected species and their specialist habitats will be identified, for species such as Bats, Hazel Dormouse, Water Vole, and Great Crested Newts.
Mitigation measures may need to be drawn up to ensure that the site’s natural habitats can be conserved and enhanced. Biodiversity needs to be added as detailed in the latest government guidance.
Landvision Habitat Surveys Phase 1 Habitat and Vegetation surveys, provides leading UK ecology and environmental planning consultancy input. We are experts in PEARs, Phase 1 Habitat Surveys and vegetation surveys. For Preliminary Ecological Appriasal Reports (PEARs) or other professional ecological help and advice, Call us on 01892 782200 or use the contact us page.