Breeam Ecology Reports and surveys
Ecology and Land Use Section.
We do Breeam assessment for ecology and land use. Our suitably qualified Landvision ecologists (SQEs) do Breeam ecology surveys and reports.
Benefits of Breeam Ecology reports.
We will give you recommendations so your application will gain more Breeam Eco credits. The survey will tell you when to do the work and how to save time and money, avoiding costly delays. Eco credits are a vital way to maximise the sustainability of your project. They will also enhance the landscape and site value, saving noteworthy ecological features.

How do you obtain Eco Credits?
Credit points are awarded under the ecology and land use section for protecting the ecology of the site. With the site protection, the ecological features, protected species and biodiversity management will enhance the character of the site and its amenity for end users.
For instance, if there are mature trees on site or rare or unusual species such as Great Crested newts, protection and mitigation measures will be required and habitat enhancement plans or biodiversity action plans may be drawn up by a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE.) Undertaking these ecology reports and mitigation measures will lead to additional eco credits being awarded for your scheme.