A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report (PEAR) is an important tool used in the early stages of development projects to identify potential ecological constraints and opportunities on a site. It aims to provide baseline ecological information on a site and surrounding area, and identify any designated sites or habitats of national and local importance for the conservation of biodiversity.
Landvision was commissioned by Avery Healthcare Ltd, Saints SIPL PropCo SARL, and Willowbrook Healthcare Developments Ltd to undertake a PEAR of the land at 28-30 Bedfordwell Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2BY. The land comprises three houses and their front and rear gardens, with driveways and parking areas, as well as some outbuildings.
The PEAR was undertaken by a walkover survey, which was carried out by Charmaine Noel, BA (Hons), MSc (LEDM), MCIEEM, in 2021. A desk study and biodiversity searches were also conducted to compile the report. The purpose of the report was to identify any potential ecological constraints to the proposed development and provide recommendations for mitigation or compensation measures if necessary.
The proposed works involve the demolition of the three houses and the construction of a new Care Home Facility with associated car parking, front and rear gardens, and hard landscaping areas. The report identified potential loss of green space and amenity grassland, and recommended measures to minimize any significant ecological effects.

Overall, the PEAR provided valuable information for the master-planning of the proposed development, allowing for any potential ecological effects to be identified and minimized or avoided where possible. This demonstrates the importance of conducting a PEAR early in the development process to ensure sustainable and environmentally responsible development.