Dealing with Excavations within the Root Protection Area or RPA.
Using any type of mechanical digger within Root Protection Areas RPA will damage roots. Air spades which use compressed air may be a better solution to hand digging in some instances. Air spades use compressed air and are much less likely to damage the tree roots. At the very least we recommend in order to avoid damage to roots, that hand tools should be used such as forks and spades. Care should be taken to minimize the disturbance to the roots beyond the work area. Ground protection sheets can help to stop compaction by wheelbarrows and site operators. Also, ground protection sheets can be used to temporarily store spoil from any excavation works. Small roots and fibrous roots should be retained. These small roots should not be allowed to dry out and damp hessian should be used to cover them. All roots should be retained, but if that is not possible, they should be cut cleanly, using sharp secateurs or a sharp saw. Roots of 10cm or more in diameter should only be cut after consultation with an arboricultural consultant.
Tree Root Protection Zone
What is the Difference between Tree Root Protection Area (RPA) and Tree Root Protection Zone (RPZ).
There is really no difference between the terms Tree Root Protection Area and Tree Root Protection Zone. It refers to the area of ground around the tree/s which has/have been calculated by the Arboriculturalist using the data recorded when they carried out their tree survey.
Landvision offers an arboricultural supervision service for projects which require a high level of input while a development is ongoing. This will include giving advice to the client as well as to site personnel, architects and engineers. Landvision will keep records of all meetings and site inspections which may be required by the Local Planning Authority. We can also set up and manage landscape contracts or any proposed landscaping. Call us now at Landvision 01892 782200 to discuss your next project.