Please note; this is an edited update (July 2018) following the withdrawal of the government CSH scheme and latest revised NPPF which has implications for landscape.
The Government-owned CSH scheme was a successor to the BRE EcoHomes scheme first used in 2000. BRE managed and developed the technical contents of the Code standard for and on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
In 2015 with the winding down of the Government-owned Code for Sustainable Homes in England BRE launched the new consumer facing scheme the Home Quality Mark in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. [1 (Source Wikipedia.)
From May 2008, all new homes were rated on their green credentials, as part of the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) which was a scheme which Local Authorities could use in the planning process. The Code was the national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. For new homes now, from 2018, Landvision undertake BS Biodiversity ecology surveys and land use reports.There is a Smart Guide to optimising biodiversity on your site. Landvision have 32+ years experience of ecology optimisation. We can advise you on this.
Once you order your Ecology survey and report from Landvision’s ecology team, Landvision’s team of ecology experts, will be your Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE). We have extensive experience with respect to Breeam and CSH ecology assessments undertaken over the years on many sites, since the start of Breeam ecology and CSH ecology surveys and reports. Thus, your site will become a more sustainable development on sites where protected species or rare habitats and biodiversity occur. This will comply with the latest BS;Biodiversity and the NPPF for landscape.
Code for Sustainable Homes Ecology Surveys for;
Residential developments for new homes.
Eco Homes Assessments.
- We will visit your site to advise you on how to obtain eco credits for your development;
- Landvision ecologists will calculate your site’s species numbers for both before and after development stages
- If you will need to undertake work for adding features of ecological enhancement, we will tell you
- The report can also lead to production of Management Plans for high quality ecology and habitats
- We will advise you on the best ways to encourage addition of more native species. Also, how to add new wildlife friendly species, by using our bespoke Landvision landscape plans and Management Plans.
- Biodiversity plans, can also be drawn up to obtain additional eco credits; these are a useful tool for site management and enable species protection.

Also, Breeam Ecology Surveys for;
Residential developments for new homes.
Eco Homes Assessments.
- Retail
- Health care
- Education
- Private estates
- Industrial