Net Gain requirements apply to all developments that require planning permission under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA). The Net Gain requirement also applies to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) consented under the Planning Act 2008.

There are some exemptions from the requirement to show a Net Gain.
General Permitted Development. If your project is exempt from the TCPA under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, then it is also exempt from the requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain.
If your proposals are for:
- marine sites;
- development that ‘results in negligible… or minimal impacts to low or medium distinctiveness habitats’ ;
- householder applications such as building extensions;
- change of use applications;
- schemes covered by the Transport and Works Act 1992 and Highways Act 1980.
How is Biodiversity Net Gain Calculated?
Post-development biodiversity units
Pre-development biodiversity units
- habitat area;
- habitat distinctiveness;
- habitat condition;
- ecological connectivity;
- strategic significance.
For the post-development Metric calculation, all the above criteria are used along with:
- time;
- difficulty;
- spatial risk.
If you have any questions or need answers to your queries, call us now on 01892 782200 to discuss your site requirements.