Landscape Architects

Species Surveys by Landvision South East UK ecology team;

Landvision have 25 years of Species surveys experience.  Your site’s species surveys can be undertaken by Landvision’s expert ecology team.

Species surveys for;

Species surveys and Monitoring site ecology

We can supply ecological survey and monitoring to suit your site requirements. We can advise you on cost-effective ways to put recommendations from the survey findings into practice. Also, we can help you to monitor your sites for best results, following ecological guidelines.

Species surveys and Scoping surveys

In a lot of cases, the need for a more in depth Protected single species survey may arise from the findings of likely presence of protected species or perhaps of rare plants on a site. Following the primary findings and recommendations from an initial scoping survey these findings will have highlighted the need for further survey work. For instance, a bat scoping survey may detect no bats but perhaps likely presence of another protected species, such as the House Sparrow.

A species survey means searching for one species and their likely habitat. A species survey could be for bats or for a single species such great crested newt or dormice. Our team of Ecological experts can thus offer specialisms within ecology including botany, zoology and soil science. 

Each Landvision ecological consultant has years of knowledge of their area and each is professionally trained to deliver ecology solutions on time and to budget. We also offer the following ecological surveys;

Habitat surveys

Condition monitoring of protected sites, SNCIs or SSSIs and other protected sites, such as sites adjacent to Ramsar sites.

Protected Species surveys:

Also, Badgers, water voles, otters.

We also survey for rare plants.
For further information on species surveys, for your site, please call us our expert ecology team on 01892 782200 or use the Contact Page