Landscape Architects

All bats and their roosts are fully protected in the UK by Wildlife & countryside law and there are numerous species of bats found in the UK. The most commonly found by Landvision bat surveys are Common pipistrelle, Soprano pipistrelle, noctule and brown long eared bats. Serotine, and myotis bats are also commonly found. More than one of these species may be found together with numerous roosts sometimes in evidence. Species are found roosting in old buildings and over 20 roosts may sometimes be found on bat sites.

If bats are found, Landvision will apply for a licence to allow the renovation works to go ahead. The licence application drawn up by Landvision will contain mitigation to allow the bats to be protected in situ; that is detailed plans showing how the work can be undertaken so that bats will not be harmed or their habitat destroyed. The ecological effect of the works on bats and their roosts will be lessened by the mitigation strategy of Landvision.

Other ways of mitigating against the effects of development works are to carry out works at a time when bats are the least sensitive to the effects of building works. Also, by shutting down former bat roosts and the design and installation of alternative bat roosts to compensate for the loss of any roosts, bats can be further safeguarded.

Design of lighting with baffles, and low sodium lighting can all help to reduce effects and so have minimal effect on bats and their young. Also, architectural design features and modifications to accommodate bats, can be vital.

Monitoring can also used to help to ensure that bats are not affected and that that bats use their old roost sites after works are completed.

Remote monitoring devices may be installed, so that bats can be monitored remotely without survey visits; to keep costs down and to ensure ongoing monitoring of the bats and their roosts. This is especially important on major roost sites and on sites such as old churches, listed buildings and old school buildings.
For more information about how to protect bats and their roosts and to arrange a bat scoping survey ring now, 01892 782200.