Landscape Architects

Dormouse (Dormice) Surveys. The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), a small rodent; dormice are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act and are also listed under Schedule 2 of Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994; these protective laws make Dormice one of the European protected species.
We have experience of undertaking surveys for British animals for large developments for local authorities and for small developments for clients in London and South East England. We offer impartial, professional advice and will help you to comply with protected species legislation. The earlier you contact us the better as we can do your surveys at the appropriate time of year. We will help you to put mitigation measures in place at an early stage, rather than you experiencing costly delays to your projects.

Every protected species’ survey and mitigation is subject to the constraints of the seasons and to the weather; this will vary depending on the species, its behaviour and its biology. The native dormouse lives in woodland and species rich hedgerows and are nocturnal, spending most of their waking hours searching for food amongst the trees and hedges. Dormice are active between late April to late October, spending the remaining months in hibernation. Initial surveys can take place at any time of year, but surveys between November and late March only look for signs such as hazelnut shells, and nests.

The best period for surveys, is between April and October, when nest tube and nest box surveys can be carried out.

For further information on timings of surveys for your site please contact us now to see how we can help and to discuss your needs 01892 782200 or click on the Contact page.