Landscape Architects

Welcome to the new LandVision Blog which is aimed at providing information on landscape to web visitors. The Landvision Blog provides up to date guidance and advice on environment. Landscape, planning, ecology and design all feature in the news and we will keep you all informed. Within the space allowed, we hope to show case some of the latest news and comment,our projects, both large and small, as well as give some updates on legislation which affects the environment.
The LPA Local Planning Authority need what is now called a Preliminary Ecological Assessment in order to comply with wildlife & countryside legislation.
Regarding the latest environmental requirements of Local authority planners, an Ecological Assessment can also be called a Phase 1 Ecology Assessment, or a Biodiversity survey, an Extended Habitat Survey or a Habitat Survey; these are also known as Ecological Surveys.

The Institute for Ecological and Environmental Management (IEEM) has written guidelines on ecological reports for sites prior to development. This initial report must describe the habitats on site, list species present and also list any protected species that might be there. The report should recommend any further surveys if these are deemed to be required. A biological records data search may also be included where required.

There may be the need for further protected species surveys, such as bat surveys, great crested newts surveys, badger surveys, hazel dormice surveys, bird surveys or for more detailed botanical surveys. These are carried out following the recommendations of the initial ecology report, but sometimes additional survey visits may be required; for instance in the case of Breeding Bird surveys.

The LPA may require a full Ecological Impact Assessment which includes all of the above, although this is rare. Reptiles and invertebrates can be found on even the smallest sites and often are found on sites that may have been neglected for some time and have become overgrown, relatively undisturbed albeit brownfield.

If your site is on or near to the home range of species such as bats or birds from a protected site such as a Ramsar site or an Area of special Nature conservation interest, such as an SNCI or SSSI, the LPA may ask for a Habitat Regulations Assessment in line with the Habitats Directive.
To discuss your site and any ecology surveys, please ring us now to discuss your needs on 01892 782200.

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Problem with Tree Officer

We often undertake trial pits to show that there are few roots within the RPA

Landvision helped us out with an extremely complex tree protection issue, which we were stuck on and was holding up our project. Their approach was at all times practical and professional and they successfully managed the issue for us. They always came back to me promptly whenever I had a query and with a helpful, positive and cheery attitude at all times, I would not hesitate to use them again or recommend them to others.