An LVIA typically involves an assessment of the existing landscape and visual character of the area surrounding the proposed development site, an analysis of the potential effects of the development on the landscape and visual character of the area, and the development of mitigation measures to minimize or avoid any adverse effects.
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) has been carried out for the proposals which include 2 new houses and an access road at the application site at, Dunn Street, Bredhurst, Gillingham, Kent.
The site is located in a rural fringe landscape with a moderate to high degree of visual enclosure. The site is already developed with a single detached house, Hawthorn Cottage, on a residential plot with several outbuildings including sheds and garages, as well as a mature garden.
The proposals will involve the demolition of a cottage and the construction of 2 new houses, each with a garage and driveway. The new houses will be designed in keeping with the local style and will be set back from the road behind a mature hedgerow.

The LVIA has found that the proposals will have negligible landscape and visual impacts on the local landscape character area. The new houses will be screened from long-range views by mature trees and hedgerows. The majority of close-range views will be screened or heavily filtered.
The LVIA has also found that the proposals will have a slight positive impact on the landscape character area. It will also provide new dwellings in a sustainable location.
- Protect and retain the mature trees and hedgerows on the site.
- Plant additional trees and hedgerows along the site boundaries.
- Design the new houses in keeping with the local style.
- Set back the new houses from the road behind a mature hedgerow.
- Provide sustainable drainage for the new houses.