Landscape Architects

LVIA reports in Sussex, Kent and Surrey .

Environmental statement Reports and LVIA reports in Sussex, Kent and Surrey .

Landvision landscape architects undertake Environmental Statements (ES) reports and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) reports  across South East England, including Kent and Sussex. The ES and (LVIA) Landscape Visual Impact reports are required by LPAs (Local Planning Authorities) for a wide variety of projects in Sussex Kent and Surrey across the High Weald  or North Downs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or within the Southdowns National Park.

Ancient woodlands are part of the History of these three Counties

Latest Guidelines for the methodology used for ES and (LVIA) Landscape Visual Impact reports in Sussex, were revised in 2013 and now include increased value placed on recognizing importance of History and Cultural Heritage in LVIAs. Also, cumulative effects are now deemed more important in LVIAs. Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, 3rd Edition, by The landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and point to the increasing importance of both history and cultural heritage aspects and cumulative effects as being relevant to LVIAs in Kent and Sussex.

History and Cultural Heritage in Sussex, Kent and Surrey, is an intrinsic part of the LVIA framework of assessment. This includes; looking at historic landscape of Sussex , Kent and Surrey; setting of listed buildings and scheduled monuments. Also, other historic features in the landscape, such as historic hedgerows, Ancient woodlands, historic settlement patterns and old, moated manor houses. The LVIAs by Landvision in the 3 Counties will take historic elements into account, when appraising Cultural heritage in the LVIA.

Why is History and Cultural Heritage important in LVIA in Sussex? One of the first steps of our LVIA process, is to describe the baseline landscape and the effects of the development on the baseline. This requires information on history of the landscape in Sussex, its evolution to the present and the Cultural associations of this Sussex local history. The valued parts of History and Cultural heritage will be protected and mitigation will be requested in the report as part of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments in Sussex.

The screening process by Landvision will consider characteristics of the project and whether proposed development will have any effects on baseline landscape in Sussex. What will these be and can they mitigated for? An overall description of the characteristics of the proposed development will be the project specification which is described. The layout, siting and components of the proposed development. Thus any LVIA will be based on these elements. History and Cultural Heritage of Sussex will form a part of this baseline assessment work. The nature of the landscape and visual effects, especially where these concern the setting of listed buildings and scheduled monuments, will be defined in LVIA reports for developments in Sussex.

As part of the ES and Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) reports, mitigation proposals and enhancement proposals may be required. Environmental Statement Reports and LVIA reports by Landvision will frequently describe any mitigation and monitoring of the effects which are predicted by the LVIA and ES assessment reports. For further information; please go to the contacts page or ring us on Landvision 01892 782200.


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Problem with Tree Officer

We often undertake trial pits to show that there are few roots within the RPA

Landvision helped us out with an extremely complex tree protection issue, which we were stuck on and was holding up our project. Their approach was at all times practical and professional and they successfully managed the issue for us. They always came back to me promptly whenever I had a query and with a helpful, positive and cheery attitude at all times, I would not hesitate to use them again or recommend them to others.