Landscape Architects

Landvision Landscape Architects

Welcome to Landvision, your trusted landscape planning consultancy. As a multi-disciplinary environmental and landscape planning consultancy, we provide specialist landscape consultant input into a wide range of development schemes, including Landscape Visual Impact Assessments, landscape design, and ecology consultancy for developers.

We offer a wide range of services including landscape architecture, arboriculture, landscape planning, landscape management, ecology, tree surveys, tree reports, landscape character assessments, and Management Plans for ancient woodland, unimproved grassland, and Biodiversity Offsetting projects for developments. Our team of experts can provide valuable input to engineers, architects, developers, builders, planning officers, local authorities, and private clients, and provide input as landscape consultants to engineers, architects, developers, builders, planning officers, local authorities, and private clients.

Our past projects include Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for renewable energy projects such as solar parks, as well as LVIA reports for proposed holiday parks, caravan parks, minerals and waste, and new residential developments. We deal with sites from application to development and have experience in drawing up mitigation and restoration and enhancement measures for industrial developments, semi-rural, and rural developments, as well as brownfield regeneration sites.

We also specialise in providing landscape design services for Biodiversity Net Gain, as well as landscape management and ecology input for school and college grounds. We offer expert advice to large landowning charities.

Our past projects include Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for renewable energy projects such as solar parks, as well as LVIA reports for proposed holiday parks, caravan parks, minerals and waste, and new residential developments. We deal with sites from application to development and have experience in drawing up mitigation and restoration and enhancement measures for industrial developments, semi-rural, and rural developments, as well as brownfield regeneration sites. Landvision SE Ltd staff have considerable experience in the field of landscape planning and have given evidence at Public Inquiry with barristers from Landmark Chambers, London, as well as working on major infrastructure project Public inquiries, before they gained planning approval.

At Landvision, our objectives are to optimise development potential while creating landscape proposals that are robust and cost-effective. For more information about our work, please watch our video. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your landscape planning goals.


For expert professional advice and specialist help with your project
Please call: 01892 782200 or use our contact page

Landscape Planning

We provide landscape planning input into planning applications and appeals and enforcement actions. Advising on Trees, TPOs, Landscape Ecology, Green Infrastructure, ECOP or Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plan, EcIA or Ecological impact Assessment, Stepping Stones, ECoW or Ecological Clerk of Works, Landscape and Ecology Management Plans for construction projects in accordance with BS :42020 Biodiversity, (LAMPs, CEMPs), Method Statements, Botanical surveys, Ecology reports. We also do Landscape Visual Impact Assessments LVIAs, for developments or LVIAs on behalf of LPAs. Recent schemes include LVIAs  to provide evidence for Public Inquiries, for major housing developments. We have also produced LVIAs for major heritage schemes, large factory buildings, complex waste disposal sites in sensitive locations, caravan sites and solar farms in areas with landscape designations.

Green Infrastructure and Ecology

We provide specialist landscape advice on mitigation for Landscape ecology, Woodland ecology. This includes  Botanical surveys, Breeam, CSH, Reptile and amphibian surveys, mammal and bird  surveys and scoping surveys. We can advise on producing your own plan to conserve the wildlife on your site.


LandVision give detailed advice, plans and reports tailored to your specific needs and budget such as BS5837.  We can discharge your landscape conditions on your planning application and provide expert advice on Tree Safety, Woodland Management  including Ancient Woodland management plans for Forestry Commission grants.